I began my branding journey by digging into my stash of colour pallettes, I have by now learned to make the whole design process faster by collecting assets and pallettes and design patterns That I come across whilst surfing the web. Whilst on figma I found this simple pallette That would act as a starting point.

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I had decided that the name for my AI powered assistant would be “Alice” as it was my great grandmothers name and she played a large role in my education growing up, So I created some little experiment as a starting point

Artboard 1.svg

Artboard 1 copy 3.svg

Artboard 1 copy 2.svg

After presenting my idea overall to the tutors in class Paul had said that the AI in the Resident Evil films was called Alice and from then on I decided the name had to change so I began experimenting with new ideas in terms of the name first then I would move onto colours and their use.

I flirted with the idea of calling it “Bright” as we often refer to a smart person as bright if they are clever. I maintained the use of the angular “I” in order, but the word felt to large and fat so i decided to try and cut the fat off by shortening the word but maintained the sound.

Artboard 1 copy 5.png

Artboard 1 copy 10.png

I began spelling it like you can see on the right and I experimented with typography i wanted a soft rounded font as the trend within the whimsical world on digital brand often choose rounded edges. I found the below logo and took inspiration from it in terms of colour.

logo inspo1.png

Artboard 1 copy 11.png

Artboard 1 copy 12.png

Once again I wasn’t quite happy with the name So I decided to explore further. I began to think about our culture and cultural representations of knowledge and wisdom as these would fit in well with the purpose of my app and I Thought about the three wise men, I remembered that They were also called “Magi” so I explored this name to see what I came up with.


Whilst exploring the internet for inspiration for the word Magi, I saw the connection between magi and a magician i found this logo for hogwarts legacy and thought I could do something similar.

Artboard 1 copy 27.png

It was during my exploration of typography and potential logo styles that I decided that this direction was all wrong. However I did find the typography that I would use during this process. The font was called “Alba” it was unconventional and had the soft edges i was looking for earlier. I would however not use this font for headings or content within the app as its too stylised for the main body text i will use the font Arial rounded MT as it pairs well due to the round edges.

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Sticking with the thought of stuff that was culturally relevant I remembered the tale of the tortoise and the hare from primary school I though this would be an excellent name that could fit in well with my target audience and allowed me to explore new ideas.