
Reader pens are an assistive reading tool that allows the user to scan words and have the spoken out loud by the pen via connected headphones, they are a useful tool for adults with dyslexia however are not as good for younger people trying to learn how to read as they will rely too heavily on the tool and could possibly miss out on the challenges of learning how to read. The pen would be useful reading through text on exam papers or even translating for children from non-English speaking countries. Although this product has positive uses it does not have features that would be useful in my app as it solves problems for people with problems other than ADHD.

IXL app

IXL is a learning app with the curriculum for Maths and English of each year of both primary school and secondary school.


This is the first screen the user meets, in terms of functionality there are options for different kinds of user however they all lead to the same place so they are made redundant however I think I can use this style of screen with the different user options for my app as I will require multiple user types for the final product. The parent and teacher user types will be able to access graphs displaying a specific pupils strengths and weaknesses at a glance whilst these will be hidden from the student to ensure they do not feel negatively about themselves as i have discovered that those with ADHD can have confidence issues.


On this screen the years are categorized well however the sizes of the dropdowns could be better for accessibility in spite of this the dropdowns are well placed I could use a similar layout. Search and profile functions are also well placed as they conform to typical design patterns enhancing usability. I am wondering if they study fields could be chunked for easier scanning for the user I can experiment with this later when I am sketching to see how things sit. The design though-out is simple and relies heavily on the the brand colours.


Different classes here are designated via colour codes great for scanning however I am thinking that those with colour blindness may find it a little challenging, colours used may not pass accessibility tests due to the lighter colour of the pink with the white background. I will be sure to avoid these and test accessibility thoroughly.
