The Problem

How might we use Ai to assist teachers, parents and students cater for the needs of learners with ADHD and help level the playing field.

Key Features

Personalized Learning: The AI assistant tailors lessons to each student's unique learning style and pace, ensuring that content is engaging and digestible and adaptive.

Focus Enhancement: It uses real-time monitoring to help students maintain focus by providing gentle reminders and redirection when attention wavers.

Sensory Support: The AI can adjust the classroom environment by controlling lighting, ambient noise, and visual stimuli to create an optimal learning atmosphere for each student.

Task Management: It helps students organize their assignments and schedules, breaking tasks into manageable segments, and providing timely reminders.

Emotional Support: The AI can recognize signs of frustration or anxiety and offer coping strategies, as well as encourage self-regulation techniques like deep breathing exercises.

Interactive Learning: The AI engages students in a fun and educational way to maintain their interest and motivation.

Feedback and Progress Reports: Regularly, it generates reports for teachers and parents to track a student's progress and areas where they may need additional support.